React Native Food Delivery App

Posted: 06-09-2020 | Views: 2057
React Native Food Delivery App

I finally wanted to present the application that I have been working on for a few months.Generally such apps are said to be like delivery apps.Let's move on to the information about the application without talking any more :)

As it is obvious from its name, the application was prepared with "React Native".

There are 16 pages in the application:

  • Home Screen
  • Cart Screen
  • Category Screen
  • Details Screen
  • Favorites Screen
  • Map Screen
  • Order List Screen
  • Complete Order Screen
  • Profile Screen
  • Edit Profile Screen
  • Search Screen
  • Send Feedback Screen
  • Settings Screen
  • Sign In Screen
  • Sign Up Screen
  • Forgot Password Screen
  • Change Password Screen

Application features:

  • Banner carousel
  • Splash Screen
  • Animated loading
  • Responsive Design
  • App Sign In and Sign Up (Laravel Passpport Authentication)
  • Facebok Sign In and Sign Up
  • Email Notifications
  • Multi currency (AZN, USD)
  • Live Currency
  • Multilangual (az, en, ru)
  • Auto add new translate key to Backend
  • Maintenance mode
  • MobX state management
  • Order Tracking
  • Discounted products
  • Send feedback
  • and etc.

Application includes admin panel with Laravel (Voyager Admin Package). Database is MySql

Admin panel features:

  • Dashboard page
  • Profile page
  • CRUD Products
  • CRUD Banners
  • CRUD Categories
  • CRUD Customers
  • CRUD Orders
  • CRUD Contacts
  • Media managment
  • CRUD Translations
  • CRUD Payment methods
  • Users
  • Roles
  • Settings
  • Menu Builder
  • Database Manager
  • BREAD accessors
  • Artisan Commands
  • Logs

React Native Dependencies:

  • "@react-native-community/async-storage"
  • "@react-native-community/datetimepicker"
  • "@react-native-community/geolocation"
  • "@react-native-community/masked-view"
  • "@react-navigation/drawer"
  • "@react-navigation/native"
  • "@react-navigation/stack"
  • "axios"
  • "mobx"
  • "mobx-react"
  • "moment"
  • "native-base"
  • "react"
  • "react-native"
  • "react-native-fbsdk"
  • "react-native-gesture-handler"
  • "react-native-image-crop-picker"
  • "react-native-image-picker"
  • "react-native-maps"
  • "react-native-progress"
  • "react-native-reanimated"
  • "react-native-safe-area-context"
  • "react-native-screens"
  • "react-native-splash-screen"
  • "react-native-swiper"
  • "react-native-vector-icons"
  • "react-xml-parser"
  • "rn-fetch-blob"

Upcoming features:

  • Firebase Analytics
  • Firebase push notifications
  • Google Adsense
  • Payment integration

App Promo Video: On Youtube


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  • KunalShivhare 2 years ago

    Can I get the Code? I'm working on the same project but having some issues with the cart system and admin panel if you give me access to the code it'll be very helpful for me.

  • Hola Amigo, se puede obtener el codigo?