Symlinks, short for symbolic links, are basically shortcuts to individual files or folders. One of the advantages of a symlink is that it can cross filesystems, as it references abstract filenames/directories and not physical locations.
There is a number of ways to create a symlink
1) Remove storage folder in public_html/public/storage
2) Create a php file for example symlink.php in public_html folder
3) Add codes to symlink.php file
$targetFolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/storage/app/public';
$linkFolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/public/storage';
echo 'Symlink process successfully completed';
4) Go to web site
That is all...
thanks, men its worked but there is a problem when the link has created the link that is created is not working:
when I upload an image it doesn't show up.
put file in public folder
if you get text of above when you go {app_url}/symlink.php
Is this applicable to cpanel when using GoDaddy? Thank you!
is it applicable in using cpanel and godaddy?
thanks buddy
Thank you very much, please specify that you must add the "symlink" file in the view folder and go through: route-controller-view... excuse my English, I speak French
Can You Explain more, doesn't work for me . the CSS doesn't loaded but the image loaded perfectly
Thanks buddy...really you help a lot.
Cette page ne fonctionne pasImpossible de traiter cette demande via à l'heure actuelle. HTTP ERROR 500
Error Call to undefined function symlink()